You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened - or you can just leave the pieces on the flor and MOVE THE FUCK ON.


La Loca de Mierda xD

caarrl you'll always find me right there, again.. dice:
Un día le voy a destartalar todos los planes a alguien en esta casa.-
· [Sнulia] You look so tasty that I could eat you up alive dice:
yose yose
y te paras al lado de lamesa delcomedor
caarrl you'll always find me right there, again.. dice:
· [Sнulia] You look so tasty that I could eat you up alive dice:
tipo de frente al pasillo
contas hasta tres
· [Sнulia] You look so tasty that I could eat you up alive dice:
emesas a correr con todo,
hasta que te das con la pared,
you'll always find me right there, again.. dice:
Se hacía mierda la minaa xD.-
Deespués quedo más fea y skdfklasjdf no me quiere.-
· [Sнulia] You look so tasty that I could eat you up alive dice:
caarrl you'll always find me right there, again.. dice:
Eso no me sirvee! xD.-
· [Sнulia] You look so tasty that I could eat you up alive dice:
y asi vas a ver como le cagas los planes a todos
si podes correr con alvaro de la mano mejor
caarrl you'll always find me right there, again.. dice:
JAjajajajaja, por que me tienen que llevar al hospital.-
· [Sнulia] You look so tasty that I could eat you up alive dice:
caarrl you'll always find me right there, again.. dice:
De paso me dejan internada por loca de mierda xd.-
· [Sнulia] You look so tasty that I could eat you up alive dice:
vos te filmaspor las dudas
caarrl you'll always find me right there, again.. dice:
Me filmo gritando 'jfhsadfhlk te extrañoooooooooooooooooooooooooo. jhsfaskldf te partoooooooooooo' borracha por toda la casa xD.-
Y después me estampo contra la pared.-
· · [Sнulia] You look so tasty that I could eat you up alive dice:
yo creo que si te pones en pedo
lo unico que vas a lograr es darte contra la pared del espejo
la re erraba la bolda, xd
caarrl you'll always find me right there, again.. dice:
Jajajajajaj xD.-
Tenía teerrrible pedo la mina xD.-

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